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A.M.O. Ministries

In 1999, Pete & Jodi Brennan founded a non-profit organization called Feed My Sheep Brazil/Apascentai Minhas Ovelhas (A.M.O.). They left their home in Miami, Florida, and came with their three young children to minister to the families in the favelas (slums) of São Paulo, Brazil. A.M.O.’s goal is to reach the lost for Christ while helping to meet spiritual and physical needs.


A.M.O.’s Main Campus is in Jarinu, SP. The Main Campus is our base of operations, where the full-time missionaries are housed, the Jarinu church meets, and the vegetable gardens and donation center are located. The team goes almost daily into different favela communities to serve the people through the ministry centers and churches we have established. We have planted churches in Jarinu and Campinas, a new church plant in Varzea Paulista, and a ministry center in Cachoeirinha, Sao Paulo.


At these churches and ministry centers we have on-going projects (kids programs, Embrace a child sponsorship, water filter ministry, hunger relief, etc), special projects (vocational training, events, etc) and our full-time missionaries are the ones who make it all happen with help from volunteers from the communities. International mission teams visit at different times of the year, but for the most part it's our core national group who go into the favelas and, when school vacations permit, many of them also bring children to spend time with them in their homes to be able to pour in to them in a different environment than that which they’re accustomed.


How do we fit into all that? Nate leads as pastor at our church in Gleba B (Campinas, SP), disciples and trains local leaders within the church, heads up the agriculture ministry and serves as A.M.O.’s director of --. Jessica heads up the Embrace a Child program, oversees the registration/ authorization forms for minors, and coordinates the lesson plans for our favela children's ministries and manages our home. We both often have children in our home for times of refuge and spiritual growth, and assist with translation for visiting international teams.


We love the Brazilian people and know that God has called us here to see lives transformed and the generations changed with the message of Jesus. We believe in what God is doing through AMO and are excited to see all that God has written for us and this ministry for many years to come. 

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